Providing gifts for local families in need and missionary kids abroad.
For many years Paoli Presbyterian Church members have shared the WONDER of Christmas with missionary families and children in need in our local school districts. Our families join them at an awesome Christmas party, complete with food, music, fun and gifts. To learn more about it, check out the video below.
You can be a part of this!
Here's how:
It takes over 100 PPC folks to make Wonder of Christmas happen. Sign-up sheets in the narthex give you lots of opportunities to help.
The Wonder of Christmas tree in the narthex has a constantly-changing selection of gifts to donate. Grab a ticket or two and do some shopping. Choose some gifts from our online gift list and they'll be shipped directly to the church. Click the button below to shop online.
Add something to the pool of money our Wonder of Christmas shoppers use to buy hard-to-find gifts. Click the button below and select Wonder of Christmas as the Giving Type.
Bring the whole family on December 6th from 5:00-7:30 PM to enjoy great food and music, make a Christmas craft, help one of our missions, and even visit Santa. It's a WONDERful way to get in the spirit of Christmas!