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Our Church

Called by God, compelled by the love of Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we end relational poverty by inviting everyone to transforming relationship with God through Jesus Christ and authentic relationships with one another.

Our Beliefs

Statement of Faith

As a congregation, we reaffirm what the church in all ages and places has proclaimed as a foundation of the Christian faith:



I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic (universal) church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.


As a Presbyterian (PCUSA) congregation, we belong to what’s known as the Reformed Tradition which holds that we are “formed and always being reformed by the Word of God.” To that end, we are guided in our life of faith by The Book of Confessions, a compilation of creeds and historical statements about what we as a church believe. In these statements the church declares to its members and to the world who and what it is, what it believes, and what it resolves to do. These statements identify the church as a community of people known by its convictions as well as by its actions. They guide the church in its study and interpretation of the Scriptures; they summarize the essence of Reformed Christian tradition; they direct the church in maintaining sound doctrines; they equip the church for its work of proclamation.

They serve to strengthen personal commitment and the life and witness of the community of believers.


Our Values

Gather to glorify God

Our reason for existence, as individuals and as a community, is to give glory to God and to find joy in His presence. In gathered worship, we eagerly experience God through passionate Biblical preaching, awe-inspiring music, and vulnerable prayer. 

Hebrews 10:25; Matthew 6:9-15; Psalm 150


Every person known and loved

Just as God passionately pursues us in love, we too pursue one another.  Whether calling Paoli Presbyterian Church home for generations or are walking in the doors for the first time, we want you to experience being authentically known and deeply loved.

John 13:34-35


When young people thrive, everyone thrives

We are committed to disciple the next generation. We know that when children, youth, and young adults learn to know God, have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and engage in the broader life of the church, the rest of the body will thrive. 

1 Timothy 4:12-13; Matthew 19:14


Joining Jesus - anywhere, anytime, anyhow

Recognizing that Jesus is at work in the world, we will follow Him.  With all that we are and all that we have we live out the Gospel, in our words and our actions, offering Christ’s compassion with people near and far.

Amos 5:24; Micah 6:8; Matthew 28:19


Shaping the future on the foundation of our faithful past

With love and respect for those who laid the foundation of our church before us, we prayerfully and joyfully move into the future that God has planned for us.

Romans 15:4-6

Our Vision

Our Vision is to End Relational Poverty:

Inviting everyone into transforming relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and authentic relationships with one another.


Our Strategy

Our Strategy is we are Following Jesus Together:

We are committed to being a “Jesus church,” finding our life, health, vision, and strength in the person of Jesus Christ. Keeping Jesus at the center of our faith and life together, we invite and encourage all people to take the following steps…


Profess Faith in Jesus Christ

The most-lasting solution to the problem of relational poverty is found when a person enters into a saving relationship with God through Jesus Christ. When we know Jesus personally, we are freed to fully know ourselves and others. Jesus commissioned us to carry the message of His salvation to the ends of the earth, thus making it possible for all people to experience His love.


Join a Biblically-Based, Relationally Oriented Group

All healthy relationships are dynamic- growing and changing over time. This includes our relationships with God as well as our relationships with one another. God has given us specific means by which these relationships can grow in vitality and depth.


Serve in Ministry – Giving Time, Talent and Money

A key sign of maturation is the movement from a posture of receiving to posture of giving. A person who is growing in their relationships with God and one another will naturally want to serve others as they themselves have been served.


Invest in Others’ Faith Journey

The staying-power of any vision depends on its successful transmission from one generation to the next. This includes the older generation to the younger, as well as long-time believers to new.

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